Let's Talk is a program offered by our embedded counselors. It is not a counseling appointment but a casual conversation about Counseling Center services available to you. Conversations with Let’s Talk counselors are private, informal consultations. Let's Talk appointments are 15 minutes long, and there is no fee.
To schedule a Let's Talk appointment, please schedule an appointment online and chose the embedded counselor who's in your college or unit.
- One-on-one, 15-minute informal consultations with an embedded counselor
- No paperwork is needed ahead of time (minimal demographic information will be gathered to track who we are reaching.
- New insight and solutions to your problems and information about other resources on- and off- campus
- Let’s Talk is an informal consultation only. Let’s Talk is not counseling.
- Let’s Talk conversations are not part of students’ releasable records.
- Although Let's Talk consultants are mental health professionals, Let's Talk consultations do not constitute mental health treatment.
- Limits to confidentiality include when there is an immediate threat of harm to you or others. Let's Talk counselors are required by law to report this. When a minor, vulnerable adult, or animal is being abused, Let's Talk consultants are also required by law to report this.
This program is partly modeled on the "Let's Talk" program at Cornell University. We are indebted to our colleagues there for the name and idea; some of the material on their website has been duplicated here with permission. Special thanks to Cornell University CAPS, for sharing their expertise and experience.