Harm Reduction Peers


Program Overview

The Counseling Center supports multiple pathways for students to become involved in the UIUC campus community through education and training. Harm Reduction Peers (HaRPs) are trained volunteers that provide outreach and education on safe alcohol and drug use. Volunteers will meet at times designated by the group, determine projects for the semester, and receive ongoing training from the program coordinator and graduate assistant.

Harm Reduction Peers Mission

Harm Reduction Peers do not need a professional background to volunteer as long as they are interested in receiving training and working from our student-centered philosophy. We provide peer education from a harm reduction model, understanding that students are likely to use alcohol and other drugs during their time on campus, but can benefit from learning safe ways to plan these experiences from other students.

HaRPs host Sober Happy Hours, assist with National Alcohol/Cannabis Screening Day, consult during Let’s Talk about Safer Substance Use, promote awareness around 4/20 and other potentially substance-heavy events, and create educational/social media campaigns. Other tabling events/workshops are determined throughout the school year.

This volunteer opportunity is especially beneficial for students who are interested in:

  • Gaining public speaking skills
  • Peer support/education
  • Public health/awareness campaigns
  • Designing social media outreach
  • Workshops on harm reduction
  • Event planning
  • Any helping professions/careers

Apply to be a Harm Reduction Peer!

Are you interested in learning more about Harm Reduction Peers or joining the program?